La didáctica del problema puente y los talleres integrados como medio de aprendizaje efectivo de las ciencias

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Christian Guerrero Salazar
Yeimer Prieto López


A current problem was presented, caused by the constant social changes, which is reflected in the
academic apathy that is evident inside the classrooms, a product of the increasingly notorious
distancing of the classroom processes from the reality that our students. The lack of positive results
evidenced in the failure of both standardized and partial written evaluations demonstrate the urgency
of profound methodological changes that tend to create learning environments more coherent with the
characteristics proposed by the pedagogical model of Ecuador. Hence, a proposal for a solution to the
problems described was presented in The Didactics of the Bridge Problem and the integrated
workshops as a means of effective science learning, an innovative methodological proposal that,
based on the eclectic integration of effective contemporary didactics such as Problem-based learning,
Teaching for Understanding and the Inverted Classroom, proposes its own didactic structure,
coordinating among themselves the benefits of each one. The methodological process is dynamic, and
is based on the constructivist and cognitivist currents, since it establishes the principles of Learning
by doing, enhancing the pedagogical mediator role of the teacher and promoting the development of
critical thinking in students. Theoretical and empirical level research methods were used, the
following stand out: Induction-Deduction, Analysis and Synthesis, Theoretical Systematization,
Systems Theory, Scientific Observation, Interviews, Surveys and Expert Criteria to validate the
proposal of scientific research. The application of a coherent methodology allowed a closer approach
to the theoretical and methodological foundations of the research.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Salazar, C., & Prieto López, Y. (2017). La didáctica del problema puente y los talleres integrados como medio de aprendizaje efectivo de las ciencias. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 1(3), 59–76.
Author Biographies

Christian Guerrero Salazar, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Docente de la Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Yeimer Prieto López, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Licenciado en Educación. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Se desempeña como controlador aúlico de la  Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador. Con amplia experiencia investigativa y en publicación de artículos científicos. 


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