Planeación estratégica y su aporte al desarrollo empresarial

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Silvia Alexandra Jaramillo
Juan Andrés Tenorio Delgado


Article presenting then had as objective to evaluate the most relevant aspects of the strategic planning and its contribution to business development, the scope of the investigation was to improve the competitive levels and therefore generate higher utilities through the appropriate application of strategic planning in companies.

In the development of this article the methodology used was based on an approach to quantitative, qualitative, descriptive level, using different methods such as the deductive - inductive and research as direct observation techniques.

Results obtained reference was made to the importance and the advantages that has to make a strategic planning in companies that will help them to improve their competitiveness as well as being at the forefront, innovate continuously and successful as its contributors to stay and grow in this world so globalized and technological, which requires a high degree of preparation, skill and anticipation to the social needs and the same company.

Therefore, it was concluded that within the companies is considered a fundamental pillar strategic planning since it is the process which establishes the objectives that guide the company; hence the interest in knowing about what is strategic planning, which provides a framework for organizational development which may lead to an optimal functioning of the companies.


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How to Cite
Jaramillo, S. A., & Tenorio Delgado, J. A. . (2019). Planeación estratégica y su aporte al desarrollo empresarial. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(1), 64–73.
Author Biographies

Silvia Alexandra Jaramillo, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador

Profesora con experiencia de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador

Juan Andrés Tenorio Delgado, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador

Se desempeña como dcente de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. Con basta experiencia en docencia universitaria y en investigaciòn.


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