Cultura emprendedora y empresarial en la Economía Popular y Solidaria del cantón Machala

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Lady León


The economic system of Ecuador presented changes in its commercialization processes incorporating forms of cooperation and training networks for enterprises in various economic sectors, associative groups with fair and solidary practices were strengthened. For this reason, the objective of the research was to identify the entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial culture in the associative sector of the Popular and Solidarity Economy, in order to fulfill the objective, it was necessary to train entrepreneurial attitudes of leadership, relations of solidarity, cooperation and reciprocity. of the associations of the Machala canton, Province of El Oro. The methodology was non-experimental research, longitudinal type, correlational scope, the research instrument was applied corresponding to a survey type form applied before and after the induction addressed to representatives of the associative sector, the items were distributed in random order and were measured ordinally with a Likert scale of four levels. The main results showed three items with higher incidence, access to lines of credit, monitoring-control of the businesses and the conditions of the financial system for the development of the enterprises. The general conclusions emphasized that the Popular Economy and Solidarity system to the entrepreneurs to be part of the process of productivity transformation of the canton, to grow at the level of productivity as values ​​and principles of solidarity with their networks, achieving a better motivation, entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial culture of the sector they belong to.


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How to Cite
León, L. (2019). Cultura emprendedora y empresarial en la Economía Popular y Solidaria del cantón Machala. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(3), 54–70.
Author Biography

Lady León, UTMACH

Economist with Mention in Business Management.
Graduated from Machala University, Business Sciences Academic Unit, "Economics Degree"
Master in Business Administration. Coordinator - Director of Research Group 080: Eco-Entrepreneurship, approved with Resolution 541/2018 of the Honorable University Council of the Technical University of Machala .
 Principal of the Parity Sub Committee on Quality of the Academic Unit of Business Sciences.
 Alternate Representative of the Academic Staff belonging to the Honorable Board of Directors of the Academic Unit of Business Sciences 2016-2018.
 President of the Ethical and Anti-Corruption Control Committee, Technical University of Machala (January- September 2016)
 Economics Career Coordinator with a Mention in Business Management (in charge March and April 2016)
 Economics Career Coordinator with a Mention in Business Management (first semester 2015-2016)
 Professor of Economics Career at the Academic Unit of Business Sciences
 Chairs given Introduction to Economy, Economy E Ecuadorian, International Economics, Macroeconomics, Entrepreneurship I, Marketing Foundations, Entrepreneurship II, Human Talent Management, Strategic Management, Economic Policy.  Research Member Professor GRUPO 014 EMPRENDE CIENCIA - UACE (2016-2017).  Research Project Coordinator GRP 080 ECO ENTREPRENEURSHIP (2017-2018)  Direction of tutorials for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, academic and curricular.


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