Increasing student motivation and classes attending through project-based learning
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This research describes how the project-based learning method was applied in the course of business management fundamentals for second-cycle students who study the professional career of accounting at a university located in Lima, Peru. The application of the method of proyect-based learning took place during the second academic semester of 2018. This educational innovation was applied in a population and sample of 137 students, who were assigned the development of an entrepreneurial project so that it would be exhibited in a university innovation fair to be held in the eleventh week of classes. The teacher prepared a schedule of activities for the presentation and feedback of projects deliverable from week 6 to 10 (second unit), to which the students showed motivation and commitment. The approach used in the research was mixed, with a dominant approach model by the qualitative one. Among the results obtained, a greater motivation demonstrated by the enthusiasm of the students throughout the activity was demonstrated, as well as a greater percentage of attendance of the students during the duration of the project (it went from 87.45% in the first unit at 90.51% in the second).
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