El Ecoturismo en el Ecuador
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Tourism is one of the largest industries worldwide. It represents more than 10% of employment sources, 11% of world GDP. The increase in tourist trips to 1.6 billion in 2020 is predicted. Based on its development, a qualitative research was carried out, with the aim of demonstrating the results achieved in its own community tourism model, which sought to consolidate the Local economy of the communities of the Intag Zone, promoting sources of employment to stop migration. From these results, the necessary points were provided to evaluate the place and obtain a sustainable, wide and highly diverse tourism.
For the development of this research, research methods of the theoretical level were used, they were an important auxiliary both in terms of the theoretical framework and in the benefits of applying a model of community tourism in the community of Junín: among the methods used analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction were found.
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