Análisis de la incidencia de la Crítica Jurídica del estudio del Derecho en el desempeño profesional del estudiante graduado de la UMET

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José Pablo Abreu Fernández
Yailen Monzón Bruguera
MSc. Gladys Alarcón


The result of the titling work was presented before obtaining the title of lawyer of the Courts and Courts of the Republic of Ecuador, with the theme: “Strategy for the exercise of Legal Criticism as an element to improve the teaching of the study of the Law at the Universidad Metropolitana Del Ecuador UMET”. Its purpose was to analyze the incidence of the Legal Criticism of the study of Law in the professional performance of the graduate student. In this way, it helped to solve the research problem referred to: How to improve the practice of Legal Criticism in law professionals? Theoretical methods were used as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction from the abstract to the concrete, modeling, and systemic, as well as empirical methods such as the survey and the interview, aided by statistical mathematical methods such as percentage calculation and graphic representation. In the practical order, a strategy was provided for the exercise of legal criticism of the study of Law at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador, UMET, which contributes to raising the quality of professional performance in the graduate student. This strategy has a systemic character to be structured in 3 phases: Diagnosis of the current state of development of Legal Criticism, Planning of the strategy for the exercise of Legal Criticism in the teaching of the study of Law at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador (UMET) and Execution of the strategy. Each phase has actions and their respective methodological procedures, the same in its integrative conception favors the exercise of law degree teaching and this will have an impact on the professional performance of graduates by being better prepared for the exercise of Legal Criticism .


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How to Cite
Abreu Fernández, J. P., Monzón Bruguera, . Y. ., & Alarcón, M. G. . (2019). Análisis de la incidencia de la Crítica Jurídica del estudio del Derecho en el desempeño profesional del estudiante graduado de la UMET. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(4), 55–72.
Author Biographies

José Pablo Abreu Fernández, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador

Licenciado en Derecho en la Universidad de Holguín, Cuba. Abogado de los tribunales de la República del Ecuador. 

Yailen Monzón Bruguera, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, Ecuador

Licenciada en Derecho. Con amplia trayectoria profesional en el Derecho y como docente de la Educación Superior. Actualmente se desempeña como Directora de la carrera de Derecho en la UMET, SEDE gUAYAQUIL.

MSc. Gladys Alarcón, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, Ecuador

Licenciada en Derecho. Máster.  Con amplia trayectoria profesional en el Derecho y como docente de la Educación Superior


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