Manual Pedagógico de Ética y Valores con Enfoque Holístico por Proceso

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Susy Grey Morales
Ana Noblecillas Olaya
Dolores Maribel Montoya


The problem of student desertion in the UNEMI of Ecuador was presented due to the
lack of human quality of the companying pedagogues who are facing the daily problems that
students present. The objective of this article was to demonstrate the need to strengthen the
human part, the values of respect, solidarity and coexistence. The result was expressed through a
Pedagogical Manual of Ethics and Values with a Holistic Approach for Processes directed to the
teachers of the Commercial Engineering Career of the University of Milagro. Methods of
theoretical and empirical level were used, among which the following stand out: historicallogical, analysis and synthesis, observation, interviews and the pedagogical pre-experiment to
validate the scientific proposal. As a result, there was an improvement in the quality of life of
each person who makes up the foreign language area of UNEMI, improving his or her personal
conception of him- or herself in a positive way.


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How to Cite
Morales, S. G., Olaya, A. N., & Montoya, D. M. (2017). Manual Pedagógico de Ética y Valores con Enfoque Holístico por Proceso. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 1(1), 9–18.
Author Biographies

Susy Grey Morales, Universidad Estatal Guayaquil. Ecuador

Professor at the Guayaquil State University. Ecuador

Ana Noblecillas Olaya, Universidad Estatal de Milagro. Ecuador

Teacher and researcher at the Milagro State University. Ecuador

Dolores Maribel Montoya, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador

Professor at the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador


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