Costs in an industrial company in Lima, 2020
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The present paper was made with the purpose of analyzing the costs in an industrial company Lima 2020. Due the company does not have a cost structure; it faces a risk in their costs. The objective was to stablish the cost structure to improve the allocation of the product price, with the determination that their prices become real and competitive in the national and international commercial framework.
Likewise, the paper is a mixed approach and holistic phrase. The instrument applied was the interviews of three people who have the closest approach to the information required and a survey with a questionnaire to 30 employees of the company. Finally, the data analysis method was applied where a triangulation of the data obtained was carried out.
The results of the interviews and the questionnaire reflect that the company does not have a cost structure, so its materials are not used according to production, generating greater consumption of material. Therefore, their prices are not real. Finally, it concludes that if the company has a production cost structure, their prices will be real and this is going to make the company able to compete in the commercial framework. It will also collaborate with management to make timely decisions to see the profitability and project the future of the company.
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