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Manuel Andrés Llerena Paz
Manuel Esteban Arévalo Avecillas


The evolution of web 4.0 technologies is the next great advance in virtual platforms and will focus on offering a smarter, more predictive behavior, so that we can, just by making an affirmation or request, put in place a set will have as a result what we ask or request. The objective of this research is to present which are the most widely used virtual platforms among teacher-student interaction due to the new modality that we are experiencing due to the Covid19 pandemic. The methodology implemented was descriptive and bibliographic design. The main results of the research show that the virtual platform with the most acceptance due to free access, its interface and versatility is Moodle (95.15%), standing out above other virtual platforms such as Chamilo (3.10) and Sakai (1.75) . Finally, as future research, it is proposed to carry out an interaction analysis of virtual platforms but this time focusing specifically on graduate and doctoral students to achieve a more exact knowledge between the instructional and educational processes.


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How to Cite
Llerena Paz, M. A., & Arévalo Avecillas, M. E. . (2020). BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF TEACHER-STUDENT INTERACTION THROUGH VIRTUAL PLATFORMS. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 4(4), 42–65.
Author Biographies

Manuel Andrés Llerena Paz, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador, Instituto Superior Universitario Espíritu Santo

Research assistant at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil, I am currently an independent researcher.

Manuel Esteban Arévalo Avecillas, Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo. Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Docente universitario de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico, del Instituto Superior Universitario Espíriru Santo 


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