Las estrategias de marketing y su importancia en las empresas en tiempos de COVID
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Changes in customer behaviour in the procurement of products/services have greatly influenced companies, especially today in the face of the country's health emergency where many of the businesses have been forced to stop their activities, significantly affecting their incomes and the economy in general. For this reason, the objective of the research was to know the importance of marketing strategies in companies in this crisis because of coronavirus, since marketing is one of the most representative factors for the success of any company. Within the scope of the research, it was proposed to apply tactics of marketing concepts, as this is indispensable to prevent the disappearance of businesses that do not know how to keep companies in this situation. As for the methodology used for its development, it was characterized as a qualitative and descriptive research, in addition to the collection and analysis of the information, different methods and techniques were used, in which 18 surveys were applied to the managers of the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Loja.
The results identified the importance of marketing as one of the key points in companies to stay in the market, and today it is indispensable to apply and develop new forms of sales and marketing as one of the challenges in business. Finally, it was concluded with this article that marketing in the business sector provides great benefits that must be leveraged by managers as an alternative to their progress, several initiatives that have emerged in companies whose results increase their profitability and can facilitate good future decision-making.
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