Comparative analysis of liquidity and indebtedness in sugar companies listed on the BVL

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Nicol Judith Choquecahua Tacuri
Rosa Judith Diego Caycho
Carlos Alberto Vásquez Villanueva


The study responds to the purpose of analyzing the comparison of liquidity and indebtedness, in the sugar companies of Peru; To achieve the objectives, a descriptive-comparative methodology was used, within the framework of a non-experimental design, with a cross-section, whose technique used is documentary analysis and therefore the instrument that best adapts to the work is the file documentary analysis; Likewise, the population was made up of 75 statements of financial situation of 4 companies; The sample consisted of 16 states, on this basis the financial indicators were calculated to proceed with their comparison. The results revealed that only 2 of the companies in the sugar sector have a good liquidity indicator, while the others suffer from liquidity risk, because they do not have the necessary resources to allow them to cover their short-term obligations; Regarding indebtedness, the analyzed organizations have a good indicator. It was concluded that liquidity management is important to continue operations and debt, if used and used properly, will not pose any risk.


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Choquecahua Tacuri, N. J., Diego Caycho, R. J. ., & Vásquez Villanueva, C. A. (2021). Comparative analysis of liquidity and indebtedness in sugar companies listed on the BVL. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 5(2), 55–75.


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