Curricular design and evaluation model of the Espiritu Santo Higher University Institute

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Martha María Fernández Rodríguez


The results of the Theoretical Model of curricular design and evaluation of the Instituto Superior Universitario Espíritu Santo were shown. Said model expressed the organization of the curricular process in the Institution and its articulation with the substantive functions of research and connection with society. The objective of the article was to describe the Theoretical Model that allows systematic readjustments in the curricular processes that lead to the quality of the training process and achieves the link with the substantive functions of research and connection with society. Theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, from the abstract to the concrete, and the functional structural systemic method were used. In addition, the empirical method of document review. The results were the systematic improvement of the teaching-learning process in the institution and the articulation of the substantive functions of teaching-research and connection with the Society. Said Model was implemented in practice through methodological procedures.


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How to Cite
Fernández Rodríguez, M. M. . (2021). Curricular design and evaluation model of the Espiritu Santo Higher University Institute. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 5(2), 76–96.
Author Biography

Martha María Fernández Rodríguez, Instituto Superior Universitario Espíritu Santo, Ecuador

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences in 2010, at the José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín University of Pedagogical Sciences, Cuba. Graduated in Education in 1990, with more than 31 years in the exercise of teaching, especially Higher Education. Specialist in pedagogical processes with experience in department management and pedagogical careers. It is aligned with the Education research line, Education Sciences subarea (0111). He has participated in 5 research projects with significant results published in more than 17 scientific articles and in a book with ISBN and others are part of book chapters. With experience in undergraduate, master's and PhD thesis direction. She is the main editor of the TES Entrepreneurial Spirit Magazine indexed in Latindex Catalog 2.0. She currently works as Research Director of the Espiritu Santo Higher University Institute and director of the Comprehensive Child Development career.



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