The educational work of the main professor of the academic year in the training of educational psychologists.
Main Article Content
The work of the main professor of the academic year is an important pillar for the development of the substantive processes in Higher Education, especially the initial training of the student body. In this article, it is proposed as an objective to socialize the work experiences that the authors have had from the integration of the regulations and theoretical supports on the subject. The demands of the developing educational process for the training of a psychopedagogue tempered to current social pretensions and the results of their work were also taken into account. The methodology used starts from the documentary review of the educational projects and reports of the academic years with which they work, in order to establish regularities between them, the observation of the behavior of the cloisters and students to know their characteristics before, during and later, that is, the result of the actions conceived and the interviews with these coordinators of the year, students and professors of the faculty. The results achieved from the work of the coordinator professor of the year with his group, show changes in positive behaviors in students, learning, experiences from the retention and promotion obtained, incorporation into socially useful activities during the Covid period. in the province, their labor practice and methodological work that serve as feedback to project future work.
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