Mobile learning as an innovative tool in the teaching function
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The emergence of information and communication technologies generated transcendental changes in the spaces of human life; in the special case of education, its progressive insertion has been noted, providing elements to optimize the pedagogical strategy of those responsible for facilitating learning; this has led to the use of tools that allow the student to make better use of the teaching-learning process. One of those tools focuses on mobile learning, by offering the student a resource that allows access to knowledge through a mobile tool. However, in many educational spaces, a form of teaching continues to prevail that falls into monotony, generating boredom in many of the students, before teachers who insist years after year on the same ways of teaching classes, ignoring the use of technological resources. The above leads us to consider, as a purpose of study, to analyze mobile learning as an innovative tool in the teaching function. The research is located in the positivist paradigm, in a field research carried out at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo, with the status of University of the city of Guayaquil, (TES) a questionnaire of 14 questions was applied to 50 teachers. It was concluded that mobile learning as an innovative tool in the teaching function, can be used through an application within mobile devices by having a greater possibility of access and thus easier to use them in their academic activity. This reality entails allowing them to learn in a framework of great accessibility, being that they can be easier to learn both inside the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo, with the condition of University of the city of Guayaquil and outside it.
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