Educational guidance and prevention of functional dysphonia in kindergarten educators

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Mayelín Caridad Martínez Cepena
Ana Leydis Muguercia Rodríguez


The use of the educational orientation approach to prevent the appearance of voice alterations, in kindergarten educators, contributed new resources to the speech therapy and pedagogical investigations, carried out in the Holguin educational subsystem. The objective of this paper was to delve into the prevention of functional dysphonia, focused on the work of the speech therapist, especially its incidence in other early childhood education professionals. This aspect is essential, since it is part of the professional functions of the speech therapist. As a way of solving, an orientation program was proposed to favor the care of the voice in educators of the “Pequeños Combatientes” kindergarten. This result was based on theoretical conceptions on the subject. Through the analytical-synthetic process of normative documents, and doctoral and master’s research, related to the voice and its care, the present proposal was based. The information obtained through the method of partial experimentation in the field showed that, with the use of a program whose phases were based on the integrative current of orientation, it is possible to favor styles and lifestyle, as well as the adequate use of the vocal setting of the sample under study.


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How to Cite
Martínez Cepena, M. C., & Muguercia Rodríguez, A. L. (2023). Educational guidance and prevention of functional dysphonia in kindergarten educators. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 7(1), 1–19.
Author Biographies

Mayelín Caridad Martínez Cepena, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba

Degree in Education with a specialty in Defectology from the University of Holguín (UHo). PhD in Pedagogical Sciences and tenured professor. Coordinator of the Special Education career at the UHo.

Ana Leydis Muguercia Rodríguez, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba

Degree in Speech Therapy Education from the University of Holguín (UHo). Speech therapist teacher of the education subsystem in the Holguín municipality. Student of the master's program in Educational Guidance at the UHo.


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