The digital transformation in the business and innovation management and it’s reliability impact to the consumers in Tungurahua province.
Main Article Content
The following research was intended to show about how digital transformation in the business and innovation management and their impact in the reliability of the consumer in Tungurahua province. For the achievement of the research, it was established as objective the demonstration if the digital transformation application from entrepreneurs to their business model would influence in the reliability level of the consumer. It was analyzed and highlighted through a literacy checking, the relation that the digital transformation directed to the entrepreneurs and consumers, showing the benefits of the digitalization of the business. A correlational and descriptive research was implemented, having a quantitative and qualitative focus, using the digital survey data collection as tool, directed to 120 entrepreneurs in the Tungurahua province registered in the GAD from Ambato Townhall. For the results, the correlation of ranks of Spearman was used, where the least relevant questions were discarded, obtaining a correlational and meaningful value about 0,000 about the digital technologies application in the business and the qualifying suggestions from the consumers, showing that, if entrepreneurs would make their business model digital directed to the customer support, they would generate more reliability in the consumer.
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