Viabilidad del uso de tubérculos como materia prima para la elaboración de galletas

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Janet Patricia Pantoja Rodríguez
Teresa Yolanda Avilés Flor
Sidia Vera Gutiérrez


This research deals with the feasibility of making cookies enriched with tubers such as beets and white carrots as nourishing foods, for their combination of fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. At the present time most of the citizens have an accelerated rhythm of life that exposes them to the neglect in their food, the intake of unhealthy food gives way to a nutritional imbalance that affects the good functioning of the human organism causing diseases and overweight. In Ecuador, the food industry along with the Ministry of Health provide nutritional options and lists of products to consume through nutritional semaphoration. The research is bibliographical-documentary information was collected on the tubers chosen as raw material and its processing, physical properties and analyzes that determine its quality; so too. A field study was applied to explore the perception of the respondents, identifying real facts about the nutritional deficiency that afflicts the population. The diagnosis made the high impact that the cookie will have on the market taking advantage of the nutritional properties, favorably influencing the food quality; The suitability of this raw material for its contribution of macronutrients, flavor, odor, and texture was evidenced


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How to Cite
Pantoja Rodríguez, J. P., Avilés Flor, T. Y., & Vera Gutiérrez, S. (2018). Viabilidad del uso de tubérculos como materia prima para la elaboración de galletas. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(1), 38–52.
Author Biographies

Janet Patricia Pantoja Rodríguez, Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador, Ecuador

Máster en Dirección Comercial y Marketing. Docente de la Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador, Ecuador 

Teresa Yolanda Avilés Flor, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador

Máster  Ejecutivo en Gerencia Estratégica. Docente de la Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador 

Sidia Vera Gutiérrez, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador

Ingeniera Comercial. Docente de la  Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador 


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