Gamification as a necessary tool in student learning

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Angel André Infante Plaza


The education has changed, and therefore, the use of technology is becoming important in every educational process. Teachers must promote interactive activities that go hand in hand to enhance and empower their classes, where gamification plays a very important role. This research aims to understand the opinions of students in the Service Marketing subject, corresponding to the MKT 370_01 classroom of the online bimester 2 C3, at Argos Technological Institute in the city of Guayaquil, regarding the use of gamification within their classes. Additionally, the research aims to understand their reasons as to why their teachers should use it in classes. A survey was conducted in May 2023 with both open-ended and closed-ended questions among the mentioned students. The research results show that 98% of the surveyed students consider it important to implement gamification in their classes, as it enhances learning development. Furthermore, the responses indicate that they believe it is appropriate for all their teachers to apply gamification since it provides a different experience in classes, based on game activities where they can learn while participating. On the other hand, gamification provides them with the necessary tools for better retention and reinforcement of what they have learned during the sessions


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How to Cite
Infante Plaza, A. A. (2023). Gamification as a necessary tool in student learning. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 7(4), 74–91.
Author Biography

Angel André Infante Plaza, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador

Magister en Mercadotecnia con mención en mercadotecnia digital de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Líneas de publicación: Marketing, Tecnologías y Educación. Docente universitario e investigador con publicaciones en revistas científicas.




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