Proceso pedagógico de investigación acción para la educación superior en carreras técnicas y tecnológicas: estudio de caso
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The purpose of this research is to develop a pedagogical process that combines the action research methodology with the project-based learning methodology applied to higher education in technical and technological careers, for this a construction project of the structure of a gokart was carried out. , using specialized equipment, the methodology used for data analysis is qualitative in nature, since it focuses on measuring the perception that students have in each phase of the project, to measure perceptions the NVIVO program was used, with which, after collecting the data, the nodes were defined in each phase of the project, resulting in the highest percentage of complications occurring in phase 3, which is the construction phase of the gokart; they also presented a 73 .53% difficulty in the process of scanning the geometry of the artifact, in the same way there was 85% of students who prefer to make inquiries about theoretical topics in books, instead of tutorials, with which we can conclude that IAP and PBL are methodologies due to their flexible nature, they allow students to interact with each other and solve the problems presented to them in a collaborative way
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