Smart City to promote a better culture of education and road safety intelligent prevention through technology and organization

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Daniela Cadena Terán
Juan Fernando Venegas Calderón


The main objective of the project is to implement an intelligent management system for land transportation, traffic, and road safety, in a city on a scale that combines elements of entertainment and road education, to promote road safety among children and young people; in order to improve the efficiency of road transportation, and reduce the problems associated with congestion and traffic accidents.
Advanced technologies and devices, as well as data analysis algorithms, will be used to collect real-time traffic information on a smaller scale, optimizing traffic flows, and providing useful information to drivers; in addition to teaching traffic rules and the skills necessary to travel safely, both on foot and by bicycle or small vehicles.


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How to Cite
Cadena Terán, D., & Venegas Calderón, J. F. . (2024). Smart City to promote a better culture of education and road safety: intelligent prevention through technology and organization. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 8(2), 19–29.
Author Biographies

Daniela Cadena Terán, Instituto Tecnológico Universitario del Transporte (ITESUT), Ecuador.

Docente nvestigador del Instituto Tecnológico Universitario del Transporte (ITESUT), Ecuador.


Juan Fernando Venegas Calderón, Instituto Tecnológico Universitario del Transporte (ITESUT), Ecuador.

Docente nvestigador del Instituto Tecnológico Universitario del Transporte (ITESUT), Ecuador.


Acuerdo N° 0444-12, Ministerio de Educación, Registro Oficial Suplemento 822 de 19 de octubre de 2012, Ecuador.

Constitución de la República del Ecuador, Registro Oficial Suplemento 449 de 20 de octubre de 2008, Ecuador.

Ley Orgánica de Transporte Terrestre Tránsito y Seguridad Vial, Reformada, Registro Oficial Suplemento 398 de 07 de agosto de 2008, Ecuador.