The Educational quality and its relationship with pedagogical management, innovation and learning environments
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The quality of education is an issue that has become very relevant in recent times; It has been so much so that in many countries it has been defined as state policy; which has led educational systems to redefine concepts and models, redesign processes and procedures and establish new evaluation indicators; in accordance with the new trends imposed by the social, scientific and technological development achieved by humanity. However, educational quality for many continues to be a controversial and complex issue, because it is conceptually determined by the specific historical moment that society is experiencing, and on the other hand, there is the criterion that the quality of education cannot be evaluated by means of a series of standards and criteria as a simple product or service. This research addresses the elements that sustain quality trends in education, from pedagogical management; and is the result of the research project developed by students and teachers of the Basic Education program of the Instituto Superior Universitario Espíritu Santos in the city of Guayaquil, whose object of study is precisely the quality of the educational process, through pedagogical management, educational innovation and learning environments. The study follows a qualitative methodology and is developed through a descriptive literature review research. With the aim of collecting relevant information on educational quality, pedagogical management, educational innovation and learning environments, and the mechanism that exists between these terms, through a careful search of the literature, to assume a critical and reflective about it.
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