Law and Cultural Management: episteme and contemporary practices in Ecuador (research project)

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Oscar Alberto Pérez Peña


The present work approached the theoretical referents of the research project "Law and Cultural Management: episteme and contemporary practices in Ecuador", to be developed in the province of Pichincha. It will be conducted by Faculty of Jurisprudence of International University of Ecuador. It seeks to develop theoretical, methodological and practical proposals for the improvement of legal doctrine, national cultural legislation and socio-productive development of cultural processes in Ecuador. The methodology used takes into account, from the perspective of transdisciplinarity and logical methods, historical-sociological, cultural and legal elements, which implies the combination of methods of the social sciences in general, and of the legal sciences. As a project that starts, there are no concrete results, however, we conclude that, given its need, it will produce important results regarding the legal dimension of these processes in Ecuador, and their ways of developing it.


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How to Cite
Pérez Peña, O. A. (2018). Law and Cultural Management: episteme and contemporary practices in Ecuador (research project). Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(2), 82–92.
Author Biography

Oscar Alberto Pérez Peña, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

PhD. Docente de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador. Ha participado en múltiples eventos cientìficos. Con trayectoria en docencia e investigación.


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