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Lorena del Cisne Tacuri Peña
Silvia Alexandra Jaramillo Luzuriaga
Johanna Vanessa Vivanco Ochoa


The common good leads us to the metaphysical reflection of philosophical knowledge; While good living, to the implementation of a political, economic, cultural and social thesis the knowledge of the human intellect. From this perspective we were asked? What is the influence of economic globalization on the "common good" and "good living"?. It is based on the criterion that the "common good" is generic and "good living" is the specific. It follows that the "common good" is intended for "good living", and conversely, "good living" is supposed to have "the common good" as its goal. Both legal categories represent the search for material and spiritual welfare of the social being. The "common good" is the end of the state; And that the path of "good living" is the application of the legal regime of good living established in Article 341 and 342 of the Constitution of the Republic and that the stony road to reach it is the application of justice, equality, Freedom, equity and human solidarity. From the analysis made, it is based on the conception that the current process of economic globalization is involved most of the countries of the world, a fact that was not produced at the beginning of the 20th century, whose construction of the global markets corresponds to the interests of the companies Multinationals that have undermined the sovereignty of underdeveloped countries in economic, political and social decisions; In which we can affirm that a world economy has been configured qualitatively different from the one that existed a few decades ago; Which has modified a culture of each region; Has displaced labor and the transparency of technological knowledge across international borders and their cultural, political and environmental effects. 



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How to Cite
Tacuri Peña, L. del . C., Jaramillo Luzuriaga, S. A., & Vivanco Ochoa, J. V. (2018). THE COMMON GOOD AND THE GOOD LIVING IN FRONT OF THE ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(3), 18–33.
Author Biographies

Lorena del Cisne Tacuri Peña, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Mg. Research professor at the International University of Ecuador, Ecuador

Silvia Alexandra Jaramillo Luzuriaga, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Mg. Research professor at the International University of Ecuador, Ecuador

Johanna Vanessa Vivanco Ochoa, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Mg. Research professor at the International University of Ecuador, Ecuador


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